How To Apply Transitions To Slides In Microsoft PowerPoint?

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What are Slide Transitions? They are motion effects that happen when we are in Slide Show View, and when we move from one Slide to the Next Slide during the Presentation. We can control the speed of these Transitions; we can add Sound also if wanted and we can even customize the properties of these Transition Effects.

Do not confuse Slide Transitions with Animations. As mentioned, Transition’s control how one Slide moves to the Next Slide and Animations control how the objects in the Slide move.

How To Apply Transitions To Slides In Microsoft Powerpoint

If You Want To Learn How To Apply Transitions To Slides in Microsoft PowerPoint, read the post that follows.

In the following image I have opened a PowerPoint Presentation based on a Template which contains 10 Slides.

How To Apply Transitions To Slides In Microsoft Powerpoint?

For us to apply a Transitions to a Slide, we must select the Transitions tab of the Ribbon as shown in the image below. We must select the Slide in our Presentation that we want to apply the Transition to, and then locate the area of the ribbon named Transition To This Slide. At the first glimpse, we can see in the Transitions area that None has been applied.

How To Apply Transitions To Slides In Microsoft Powerpoint?

I then, just press the Push Transition To This Slide, and straight away we have a Live Preview of the of the Push Transition as shown in the image below. For this example, we can see that the actual Slide is being pushed from the Bottom to the Top.

How To Apply Transitions To Slides In Microsoft Powerpoint?

If we open the Transitions To This Slide drop-down menu we can see all the available Transitions that we can apply to the Slides. The Transitions are separated into three Categories:

Subtle: These are the most basic types of Transitions. Simple animations to move between Slides.

Exciting: These use more complex animation to move between Slides.

Dynamic Content: These use Transitions that affect only the content, such as Text or Images.

All that we need to do is to select the Transition that we want. Once we apply a Transition to a Slide, as mentioned we will have a Live Preview of the Transition. If we want to see the Transition again, we can always select the Preview button located at the left area of the Transitions tab.

How To Apply Transitions To Slides In Microsoft Powerpoint?

Depending on the Transition that we have applied to our Slide, the Effect Options command will be different for each Transition. At the right of the Transitions To This Slide area, is located the command Effect Options. Once we select the command, we will see all the available commands for the Wipe Transition that I have applied to the Slide. Some of these Effect Options area From Right, From Top, From Left, From Bottom, From Top Right, From Bottom Right, From Top Left, From Bottom Left. All we need to do; is to select the Option we need for the Wipe Transition.

How To Apply Transitions To Slides In Microsoft Powerpoint?

We can also add a Sound during the Slide Transition Effect if we want to. From the area of the ribbon named Timing under the Transitions tab, we select the drop=down menu next to the command Sound and we just select a predefined Sound. This means, that during the Slide Transition the Sound that we selected will be reproduced.

How To Apply Transitions To Slides In Microsoft Powerpoint?

In the Timing area of the ribbon, located under the Transitions tab we also have available the following commands to use:

  • Duration: We can set the Duration of the Slide Transition
  • Apply To All: By selecting this command, whatever Slide Transition, Effect Options, Sound and Duration that we have defined will be applied to all the Slides in our Presentation.

Advance Slide Area:

  • On Mouse Click: By activating this command, we define that the Slide Transition will happen when we click our mouse.
  • After: By activating this command and setting the Seconds, we define how long after the Slide Transition will take place.

How To Apply Transitions To Slides In Microsoft Powerpoint?

Just keep in mind that Slide Transitions are finishing touches that we use in a Slideshow to add visual movement. This way we have a more profession appearance which gains more attention, if we don’t overdo it.

Go ahead can check out the video describing How To Apply Transitions To Slides In Microsoft PowerPoint?


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