How To Reuse Slides in a Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation?

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When we are creating a Presentation, there might come the time when we realize that we have created Slides that would just be perfect for the current Presentation. Instead of creating the Presentation from scratch, we can simply reuse Slides that we have already created. The Slides that we want to reuse can either come from an existing Presentation that is located on our PC or from our Online OneDrive Account.

How To Reuse Slides in a Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation

If You Want To Learn How To Reuse Slides in a Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation, read the post that follows.

There are two ways to use the Reuse Slides feature. The first one is from the Home tab of the ribbon and at the left we locate the area named Slides where we can see the command Reuse Slides as shown. Here we are notified with the following: Search PowerPoint Files For Slides To Reuse.

How To Reuse Slides in a Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation?

The second way is to select the Insert tab and from the left area of the ribbon we locate the area named Slides. Once again, we see the Reuse Slides command with the information Search PowerPoint Files For Slides To Reuse.

How To Reuse Slides in a Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation?

Whichever way we use, the same will happen. In the image below I have selected the Reuse Slides command and at the right of our PowerPoint Presentation the Reuse Slides Task Pane has appeared. In the Reuse Slides task pane, we can see and use the Recommended PowerPoint Files. If we do select one of the Recommended Files, we can then select the command Choose Content which is located beneath the Thumbnail Preview of the Presentation, or we can select the Open in PowerPoint command once the Presentation is selected. If we select the command Choose Content, all the Slides of the Selected PowerPoint Presentation will be displayed in the Reuse Slide task pane.

How To Reuse Slides in a Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation?

In this task pane we can also use the Search Box to search for Slides that are located in OneDrive, SharePoint and this PC. If we do type our criteria in the Search Box, and select the command Browse the Choose Content dialog box will appear where we must locate and select the PowerPoint Presentation that we want.

How To Reuse Slides in a Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation?

Once we have decided which Slides, we want to Reuse, we just press the Insert Slide command which is located at the bottom right corner of the Thumbnail Preview in the Reuse Slide Task Pane as shown in the image below.

How To Reuse Slides in a Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation?

Whichever Slide is selected in the actual Presentation once we Insert a Slide from the Reuse Slides task pane, the Slide will be inserted after the selected Slide.

The feature Reuse Slides is a very good feature when we have content that we have created, and we want to use repeatedly. Instead of copying and pasting or any other ways we can use, the Reuse Slides feature saves us a lot of time and effort.

Go ahead can check out the video describing How To Reuse Slides in a Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation?

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Posted on September 26, 2022, in Microsoft Office 365 ProPlus English, PowerPoint 365 English and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Comments Off on How To Reuse Slides in a Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation?.

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